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Month: April 2019
quote from Erica Ciccarone
quote from Sam Bush
“Less violence shouldn’t be a political issue. It’s a humanity issue. We’re just trying to create more dialogue, raise a little awareness.” –Sam Bush, 2019
quote from Jesse Colin Young
“I feel like my country needs me to speak up. Every voice that speaks for love should come out and speak.” —Jesse Colin Young in No Depression, 3/29/2019
tweet from ZOLAJESUS
quote from Nietzsche
“Music unites all qualities: it can exalt us, divert us, cheer us up, or break the hardest of hearts with the softest of its melancholy tones. But its principal task is to lead our thoughts to higher things, to elevate, even to make us tremble… The musical art often speaks in sounds more penetrating than the words of poetry, and takes hold of the most hidden crevices of the heart… Song elevates our being and leads us to the good and the true.” –Friedrich Nietzsche